Author: @LorenzoSciacca
How to install
to the file platformio.ini
; Example code block (make sure to use the one from the platformio config!)
build_flags =
build_type = debug
Getting the API key
The weather updates are provided by openweathermap.org
, so you need a valid API key.
1. Create an account here
2. Select a free plan
3. From your account select "my API keys" and generate a key.
It's possible to configure the app from both the web UI and the configuration file config_defaults.h
Web UI
- Paste your API key in the field
API key for Openweathermap.org
- Write the name of the location of your interest in the field
City name
- Write the two letters iso code of the country associated with your location in the field
Country code
. You can search the two letters code of a given country here selectingcountry codes
. - Save
Without web UI
If you want to configure the app without using the web UI you can set the following values in config_defaults.h:
, the api key
, city name
, the two letter iso code of the country of your interest
If you are not sure about the geocoding you can perform a simple test.
Type in the address bar of your browser: https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?q=CITY,STATE&appid=APIKEY&cnt=24
substituting CITY
with: city name, two letters code and api key. Beware to not past additional characters, the country code must be separated by a comma from the city name. If you get an answer like this: {"code":"200" ...
both api key and location are valid.
After the installation you will notice that there are no updates to show, in order to get the updates, press the top right button update
. A pop-up should appear, the operation will take a few seconds.
The bottom left button allows the user to select:
current update
the current day
The / \ and \ / arrows are used to decrease/increase the current selection (day or update).
- Temperature: °C
- Humidity: relative humidity
- Pressure: hPa
Weather conditions
Visit this link for a more detailed description of each weather condition.
Icon | # | Description | Openweathermap code |
0 | Clear | 800 | |
1 | Clouds min. | 801 | |
2 | Clouds med. | 802 | |
3 | Clouds heavy | 803, 804 | |
4 | Mist | 701 | |
5 | Fog | 741 | |
6 | Snow min. | 611, 612, 615, 616 | |
7 | Snow med. | 600, 613, 601, 620 | |
8 | Snow heavy | 602, 621, 622 | |
9 | Rain min. | 500, 300, 301, 302, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 321 | |
10 | Rain med. | 501, 502 | |
11 | Rain heavy | 503, 504, 511, 520, 521, 522, 531 | |
12 | Thunderstorm | 200, 201, 210, 211, 231, 230 | |
13 | Thunderstorm heavy | 202, 212, 221, 232 | |
! | 14 | Squall/tornado | 771, 781 |
? | 15 | Unknown |
Using the emulator
To use this app while using the OSW emulator, in order to retrieve the data, it is necessary to perform the API request using the browser and to save the response in file_weather.json
in the /build